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The Independent Schools Multi Enterprise Agreement (MEA) 2019 is a significant development in the education sector in Australia. The MEA represents a collective bargaining agreement between independent schools and their employees, which addresses terms and conditions of employment.

The MEA is an outcome of the Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) decision in 2018, which established a process for creating a new modern award for non-government schools. The MEA is a replacement for the previous Enterprise Agreements (EA) that were established in 2012 and expired in 2017.

The MEA consolidates the terms and conditions of employment across a range of different roles within independent schools. This includes teachers, support staff, and other non-teaching staff, such as administration and technical staff.

The MEA covers a range of areas such as salaries, professional development, leave entitlements, workloads, and dispute resolution procedures. The MEA also provides an updated framework for managing employee grievances.

One of the significant changes in the MEA is the introduction of a new remuneration model. The new model aims to address the issue of workload and recognizes the importance of attracting and retaining quality staff. The new model includes an increase in salary levels, with additional salary increments for experienced teachers. It also introduces a new career progression scheme and a more transparent and objective assessment process.

The MEA also includes provisions for supporting the mental health and wellbeing of employees and provides additional support for working parents and carers.

The MEA was a result of extensive negotiations between independent schools and employee representatives. It was approved by the FWC on December 11, 2019, and came into effect on January 1, 2020.

In conclusion, the Independent Schools Multi Enterprise Agreement 2019 represents a significant development in the education sector in Australia. The MEA provides updated and improved terms and conditions of employment across a range of roles within independent schools. It addresses key issues such as workload, career progression, mental health and wellbeing, and provides support for working parents and carers. The MEA is a positive step towards ensuring that employees in independent schools are treated fairly and equitably, and reflects the importance of quality education in Australia.

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